Highschool independent study to create a basic 2D game engine in Java. TaxiGame.jar
Summer project to teach my friends the basics of programming. End result was for a math professor as a visual aid. TextPaste.jar
A quick program to type out the clipboard, for places that are not copy/paste friendly.

Program for the Computercraft Minecraft mod. It allows me to easily control turtles with a sequence of text as a command string. Complex patterns to move or build can be repeated using basic functions and loops.

Another turtle program, it will have the turtle dig out all matching blocks.
Small sandbox to write visual code, written to be a learning aid for others.
Uploads updated files from my computer to my server, because mods update so frequently.

Still on the Water

treeterrain.png genArt.PNG RiverTiles.png
I helped the early phases of this group project by programming a river generator for the artists to create models and textures for.
The initial goal was a straight river with varied terrain heights to the side of the water. I then randomly spread out spawn nodes on the land portions for trees and rocks to spawn at. The nodes would be rotated to match the terrain angle and nodes would be more common the farther out to help form a visual barrier.
Future steps would've been to have different tiles of terrain instead of just the straight section, letting the river fork and bend, with old sections being removed when no longer in use.